Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm a lazy blob!

What strikes me most about this Proverbs 31 woman is that she never seems to stop.  She is always doing something. That is something that I really need to work on.  When you get down to it, I'm pretty much a lazy blob.  I spend a lot of my time putzing away the day.  I play around on pinterest.  And check my facebook page 8 million times a day. And open the fridge and peer into it for several minutes to see if there might be something I want to eat. And write lists of things I should be doing. And generally just waste the time away.

Over the past few years I have been lucky enough to make friends with several women who ALWAYS have spotlessly clean houses.  No joke, I think ever single person I've become close friends with in the last 2 years has the most organized, clean and neat homes I've ever seen.  I'm always jealous of them.  But that is silly, because the reason their homes are clean and neat is because they get off their bums and clean! 

I'm tired of being jealous for no reason, and for feeling guilty for wasting away my time.  I want to be one of these women who have clean, neat, and organized homes! I want to be this Proverbs 31 woman! One thing I really started in on today is going through some of our current boxes.  Most of you probably don't know, but we recently moved from North Carolina to Alaska! We moved into a much smaller residence, and we are only going to be here for a short time, so most of our household goods are still packed in boxes.  I am going through them to majorly downsize.  We collected a gross amount of stuff while in North Carolina, and while I should have gone through it before we left there instead of carting it across the world, I was *gasp* lazy.  But now I'm feeling more motivated.  Plus we can't fit all of it into the storage unit, so I've got to get rid of some of it!

Anyone out there lazy like me? I would love to have some company, you know, moral support and all.  Anyone out there a "cleaner" who has some motivating words, or maybe some little tips for keeping a clean and organized home? Leave me a comment!

<3 Rebekah


  1. Hey girl, I'm with you there. I feel like since the hubby left everything can wait. I'll try on a bunch of clothes and if they don't fit right that day I throw them in a pile on my bed. When I go to bed at night, there they are just laying there in a pile. I push them to the side and tell myself I'll get to it tomorrow. Same with dishes in the sink! Oh my, that is one of my biggest pet peeve and I've *gulp, started doing it! AHHHHHHH! You're definitely not ALONE there. --MB

  2. I think the problem here is the fact that, we know that we can push it off because we will have time to do it later.--MB

  3. Yes, its easy to push things off and just say you'll do them later, and then by the time you actually get to doing them, its really overwhelming because there is a TON of piles all over! Its actually easier when my hubby isn't home, because when he is home I put off doing more things because I want to spend time with him. Plus, he always says he doesn't care if the house is clean or not, so not much motivation coming from him, lol.
