Sunday, October 30, 2011


I'm trying to learn to find contentment in life.  Despite being in the top 99% wealthiest people in the world, I still find myself wishing I had different things, was in a different place, had a different life.  How ridiculous!

I read a blog post earlier this week, although I can't remember what blog it was on, that reminded me of a book I had read earlier called Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman's Guide to Finding Contentment.*  In it the author talks about a missionary woman named Ella who worked with the pygmies in Africa for 52 years.  After her death her daughter found in Ella's journal a "recipe" for contentment.

1. Never allow yourself to complain about anything - not even the weather.
2. Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.
3. Never compare your lot with another's.
4. Never allow yourself to wish this or that had be otherwise.
5. Never dwell on tomorrow - remember that [tomorrow] is God's, not ours.

I need to put this up somewhere I see it everyday to remember.  I have a very good life.  A beautiful daughter, a loving husband who provides for all of our needs and many wants, family and friends, running (hot) water, internet! How could I want anything different???

P.S. I love this photo of Sweetpea! It reminds me of Sesame Street that we have been watching lately and Cookie Monster saying, "This does not taste like a cookie!"

I'm celebrating contentment and the simple things in life today by linking up at:


  1. great list and photo! *visiting from the simple things*

  2. LOVE those eyes!

  3. Your daughter is adorable! And great bits of advice! I found you through The Simple Things :)

  4. How cute! Nothing better than a cookie.

  5. I can totally relate! I get so frustrated with myself because I already have a blessed life....yet I still waste time and energy focusing on what I don't have. I need to learn to enjoy where I am today!
    Im beginning to think we share some similar struggles. :)
    Adorable picture by the way!
