Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Give Thanks!

I love Thanksgiving! I really do, its my favorite holiday! I am so lucky and thankful for years and years of great Thanksgiving memories with new friends, old friends, and family! And lots of wonderful food! This year we got to share Thanksgiving with some new friends here in Alaska.  They brought their Shih Tzu, who is so cute, and Sweetpea was so excited! She crawled all over the house chasing the dog, it was hilarious.  The poor dog wasn't quite sure what to think, especially about Sweetpea's high pitched excited squeals!

When we were growing up we lived pretty far from our extended family, so we started a tradition of having Thanksgiving at the house of some family friends. That tradition still lives on, and I am always a little bit sad when I can't make it there.  Just thinking about it makes me remember some great times though!

The best parts of Thanksgiving to me are: the food (hehe), the people, the memories, and its a holiday focused on being grateful for the things you have! Here are 10 things I am thankful for this year, God has blessed us so much!

1. My husband - Who takes such good care of me and Sweetpea!

2. Sweetpea! - She is just growing so fast, learning so much, and teaching me so much more about how to love!

3. My family and friends - I can literally say I have family and friends all over the world! While sometimes I get a little sad because I miss people and I never get to talk to anyone as much as I would like to, it is still wonderful to think of how many people I love and how many people love me!

4. Financial security - Although we are by no means where we would like to be financially, we never worry about if we will have enough to pay our bills.  How amazing is that blessing? And at our age, wow, so freeing and exciting for our future!

5. Working vehicles - After these last few months without having a vehicle, I am so thankful that usually I do.  I just function so much better when I am able to leave the house and interact with people at least once a day!

6. Our health - In general, we are so healthy, we very rarely go to the doctor, its so nice that we haven't had to deal with this worry.

7. Internet - I mean, really, what did we do before internet?  In some ways it has become a little too entangling, but still, what a fabulous invention!

8. Food - I probably thank God every day for food.  No, really, I do.  I love food, and all the different tastes and concoctions and fellowship it provides.

9. Hot showers - I got a lovely, long, hot shower today while Hubby played with Sweetpea, and he even entertained her long enough for me to blow dry my hair.  That really is something great to be thankful for (haha)!

10. Comfy sweatshirts - Its a little chilly here in Alaska, and this big fluffy sweatshirt I'm wearing just makes it very cozy!

It really is the little things in life that make it wonderful, isn't it?  What is one thing you are thankful for this year?

<3 Rebekah


  1. We celebrated with you in spirit. Can't wait for you to be here in CO! I too am thankful for my husband and for friends and family :) Also that I finally have a job I really like!

  2. Catherine, I'm so happy you have a job you really like too! I can't wait to hear more about it!
